Why do we do what we do? Or, WHY should you do martial arts? There a million reasons, and they are different for each person, but I'd suggest five (5) really good reasons you should be doing martial arts.
1. Body awareness: we teach you body awareness which is essential to your overall health. It promotes mobility, balance, strength and coordination. It makes you live longer.
2. Self Defense: if you ever have to, it's good to be able to punch, kick, knee or elbow with power.
3. Chemistry!
What? Well, our bodies haven't changed much from when we were cave people. This gives us a positive way to channel our inate aggression.
4. Stress!
Related to #3, our bodies need an outlet for stress (especially now) and martial arts is a way to reduce our stress.
5. You learn "YES I CAN". Your mind can play tricks on you. But in martial arts you look at something you initially think you'd never be able to do, and a few minutes later you are actually doing it. That is an important life lesson.
Coach David
NY San Da